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You can learn about Aerosol and Cloud Interaction
Today, there are public concerns with climate change. And as we know, one of the reasons of these changes is the effect of “aerosols”. Atmospheric aerosol particles serve as condensation nucleus for the formation of both, cloud droplets and atmospheric ice particles. As a result, they exert substantial influences on the microphysical properties of water and ice clouds, which in turn affect the processes that lead to the formation of rain, snow, hail, and other forms of precipitation. Therefore, aerosol plays important roles in determining the earth's climate.
And studying this subject, we found out about the phenomenon called “weekly cycle” which we found interesting. Weekly cycles of meteorological parameters have been found in many regions around the world; however, the phase and magnitude of these cycles vary greatly from regions and seasons. So in this project, we’d like to look into the correlation with the changes in climate caused by aerosols.
WE ARE Hydrometeorology CLASS TEAM-2
Team members: Hwang jiwon, Son Hyoju, Kim Hyunkyung, Yoon Siwon, Han Sanghee
Ewha Womans University Department of Environment Engineering Hydrometeorology Class, 2013-spring Semester Team-2 : Hwang jiwon, Son Hyoju, Kim Hyunkyong, Yoon Siwon, Han SangheeContact us : global.envb@gmail.com |